Difficulty focusing or managing one's attentioncan negatively impact children and teens in a variety of ways. School is one of the most common areas of difficulty but homework, chores, and relationships can be impacted as well.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), formerly Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), is a disorder related to attention and impulsivity or hyperactivity. ADHD can come in three forms: inattentive type, hyperactive/impulsive type, and combination type.
ADHD inattentive type can manifest in many ways, from difficulty maintaining focus to disorganization, from being "dreamy" or "spacey" to misplacing items or homework regularly.
The hyperactive/impulsive type also can manifest in different ways depending on the age of your child. This could include difficulty staying seated, being in constant motion, challenges keeping their hands to themselves, interrupting others, difficulty waiting their turn, and blurting out or doing things without thinking.
A child or teen with combination type of ADHD experiences enough symptoms of the inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive types to qualify for a diagnosis of both types.
If you believe that your child or teen is possibly struggling with ADHD, the initial step is evaluate further through tests and interviews to see if they meet criteria. Once a diagnosis has been confirmed, options such as school accommodations through a 504 plan, medication, executive functioning support, and parenting skills can be explored and a plan put into place. Dr. Chamberlain is capable of diagnosing and treating ADHD in children of all ages.